Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Guess liars just don't know where to stop. Sworn testimony or not. Especially Dr. G. Willy Davila when it comes to protecting his favorite thing in life, surgical mesh. He has personally taken on a campaign to implant mesh in as many women around the world as possible.

He's very proud of his protection of synthetic surgical mesh. Does he care if it mutilates women internally? NO. Does he care if those women will never have sex again, never work, never be able to sit or walk or do anything normal? NO. NO. NO.

What G. Willy Davila wants is to be considered important for his surgical skills. Davila wants to be well liked, admired and appreciated by other doctors. As to the women, damn them all. I guess he must be a misogynist. How else would he be able to be so callous about all the lives he has destroyed as the Johnny Appleseed of mesh around the world?

In America we call it PERJURY. It is a CRIME.

So last Friday afternoon, I am sitting in court in downtown Miami at a trial for 4 women in the West Virginia Boston Scientific MDL02326, Judge Joseph Goodwin presiding. Very impressive to see all the attorneys and how the process unfolds.

Except for Davila. Despite being a PAID preceptor for Johnson & Johnson/Ethicon since at least 2001 (over $100,000.00) and a consultant/preceptor for American Medical Systems, there he is in a video deposition...UNDER OATH...saying he has not used mesh for prolapse repair since 2000, 2001. LIE! LIE! LIE!

He was the first doctor EVER to implant the American Medical Systems Apogee transvaginal mesh in the U.S. in 2004. All kinds of press releases, etc, etc, etc how Davila has worked for them over the last 10 years.

DAVILA...stop being a one man wrecking ball for women's lives. Stop the lying. Stop the harm.

You ruined my life, continually cutting and cuttting and cutting into my bladder, telling the jury in the med mal lawsuit against Dr. Cantor, "Oh we will manage the erosion of the mesh into Lana Keeton's bladder conservatively. She will be fine." Of course the jury believed him. He is a doctor at Cleveland Clinic.

As to me, no conservative management got the mesh out of my bladder. Three (3) major abdominal surgeries since 2009 and I am totally mutilated because Davila did not remove it years ago which would have had a much better outcome for me.

NO, for 7 years, 2002 to 2009, ..."let's just do those conservative in-office trimmings". Let me just cut you and cut you and cut you. More money for me, for Cleveland Clinic and I don't have to report the adverse events of the defective Gynecare TVT bladder sling.

Last Friday he did the same thing to Margarita Dotres in court in downtown Miami in the Boston Scientific MDL02326. "Oh I expect a really good outcome for Ms. Dotres when I do surgery on her in December." How does he know that? HE DOES NOT KNOW THAT. He is a paid industry hack for the mesh companies and he is trying to reduce the award the jury should give her.

LIE, LIE, LIE! Boy, did you see how long Dr. Davila's nose has grown? He's not going to be able to get in his car if it grows any longer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Modern Healthcare cover story 8 une 2014 ( disclosed "stonewalling" by
Cleveland Clinic officials in the CMS investigation of patient harm, patient rights violations,
informed consent violations, alleged double billing, fraudulent credentials, operating room fires
injuring patients ( ) and other egregious violations. Mr. Cosgrove was
personally cited by CMS for his failures. wo of nine CMS investigations found that Cleveland
Clinic Urology Department did not have proper credentialing or privileging of staff or residents
for use of the da Vinci robot. Healthgrades ranked Cleveland Clinic with the lowest possible
score for prostatectomy outcomes. ( oh/cleveland-clinic-
hgst62e80596360180?#Ratings) CMS data for Hospital Acquired Conditions (HACs) gave
Cleveland Clinic a score of 8.7 (with 1-10 possible and 10 being the worst.) (Medicare's hospital
acquired condition scores for hospitals: ( his score placed
Cleveland Clinic in the bottom 7% of hospitals. Leapfrog Group gave the first ever letter grade
of “D” to the Cleveland Clinic for patient safety. (http://www.healthleadersmedia.... Cleveland
Clinic should spend less effort marketing their "World Class Care" and become more transparent
to patients and CMS investigators.